04 Feb 2012

Ubuntu下设置 Sublime Text 2 显示中文 && 输入中文

Sublime text 2在mac os 下用的很舒服,今天尝试在ubuntu下使用一下,发现汉字显示不了,


菜单栏 -> Preferences -> File Settings - User,在配置文件中增加:

// Settings in here override those in "Default/Base File.sublime-settings", and
// are overridden in turn by file type specific settings. Place your settings
// here, to ensure they're preserved when upgrading.
    "font_face": "WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono"
就OK了,其中文泉驿是著名的开源字体 http://wenq.org/


sudo apt-get install scim

sudo apt-get install scim-pinyin


scim设置->全局设置->将预编辑字符串嵌入到客户端中  勾去掉
scim设置->gtk->嵌入式候选词标 勾去掉

下来 在“系统-语言支持”里面选上“scim-bridge”就可以了,记得这些修改完要注销重新登录进来哦。

或者 ,打开终端,输入 pkill scim,然后输入 scim -d,如果不起作用,那还是建议你注销一下