在 web site project 内 可以很方便的使用 Profile/ProfileCommon 来 访问我们在web.config 的profile节内定义的properties , 并且有很爽的 intellisense
然而在Web App Project或者Web Site Project的App_Code内使用的时候 编译都通不过的,因为 Profile 是 web site project 模型 在页面 执行时候创建在HttpContext的,Web Site Project 或者App_Code编译的时候还没有页面实例呢,何谈HttpContext, 当然无法使用了
引用scottgu的原话解释“This is supported because with the VS 2005 Web Site Project option Visual Studio is dynamically creating and adding a "ProfileCommon" class named "Profile" into every code-behind instance”,那么怎么办呢 scottgu 支招------“VS 2005 Web Application Projects don't automatically support generating a strongly-typed Profile class proxy. However, you can use this free download to automatically keep your own proxy class in sync with the profile configuration”。
我们可以到 gotdotnet 上下载这个 addin 安装,经我测试 这个东西装在中文VS2005 SP1 上右键不会出现菜单(只会出现在外部程序管理器内,看的到用不成,不开心)。
好在他有源码的,我们用他的源码 找到 大概 40行上下
string toolsMenuName ;定义部分
直接 string toolsMenuName = "工具"; 然后下面的 try catch 注释掉----编译---然后把dll文件
替换到 C:\Documents and Settings\武眉博\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\AddIns
To use the generator right click on web.config in a Web Application Project and
select "Generate WebProfile." This will create a WebProfile class in your
project based on the current profile setting sin Web.Config. If you make a
change to your profile setting you need to run the tool again to update the
WebProfile class. The WebProfile class is simply a thin wrapper that has
strongly typed accessors to profile properties.
To use the web profile class in a page create an accessor like this:
// C# accessor
private WebProfile Profile
get { return new WebProfile(Context.Profile); }
' VB accessor
Private ReadOnly Property Profile() As WebProfile
Return New WebProfile(Context.Profile)
End Get
End Property
Then you can use it like this:
// C# use or accessor
string s = Profile.MyProperty;
Profile.MyGroup.MyProperty = "value";
' VB use of accessor
Dim prop As String = Profile.MyProperty
Profile.MyGroup.MyProperty = "value"
You can also access the current profile using the static Current property
like this:
// C# use of Current property
string s = WebProfile.Current.MyProperty;
WebProfile.Current.MyGroup.MyProperty = "value";
// VB use of Current property
Dim s As String = WebProfile.Current.MyProperty
WebProfile.Current.MyGroup.MyProperty = "value"
如果你用的是Web Site Project 想在App_Code内用Profile那么建议 创建一个WebSiteProject web.config拷贝过去仍然使用这个AddIn生成一个WebProfile.cs拷贝回你的app_code内就可以了(哎,怎么感觉像是说了个废话,还不如直接用Web App Project呢)
参考资料: http://webproject.scottgu.com/CSharp/migration2/migration2.aspx